Sabtu, 23 Agustus 2008


pregnancy and benefit: has chill banana. substance tanin in has antiseptik banana, while substance saponin berkhasiat thinned phlegm. banana, especially plantain, contain kaliun that launch urine. besides, also contain vitamin a, b, c, glucose, water, and flour substance.
1. wound
my manner: take banana child sap then dab in wound part that cleaned
manner ii: take bonggot banana, wash then threshed. dab this ingredients in sore place.
2. singe
banana that ripe pulverizinged, then dabed in singe
3. wart
banana skin klutuk mengerokkan with rather hard in skin. several hours then, kulitpun will abrade. if not yet recover also, repeat until 3x
4. bited insect
banana heart exist in in banana stick memparut, then memperas. take the water approximately 1 glass. drink this ingredients 2x a day, each ½ glass. then, the waste is worn to mengompres wound because insect bite.
5. hemorrhoids
my manner: 3 - 5 stone bananas is washed clean, then memparut and memperas to taken the water. after filtered, give a little pulosari and palm sugar. drink this ingredients 2x a day
manner ii: drink liquid from banana cusp kepok
6. hepatitis
eat many gold bananas
7. prevent childbed fever sehabis give birth to
banana tree trunk memparut and memperas to taken the water. after filtered, drink 2x a day
8. intestines canker
4 raw stone bananas bersam-sama skin and the fruit is sliced thin, then threshed. press and filter. the water puts in glass then dew during 1 evening. the following day the day drinks so get up to sleep
9. bronchitis / tonsil
banana cusp kepok memparut and memperas to taken the water. use water, to rinse. do this matter 3x a day
10. dysentery
my manner: stone banana cusp memparut and memperas to taken the water as much as ½ glass. this ingredients is to is drunk 3x
manner ii: 2 banana flowers kepok after washed clean, then chewed and gulped the water.
11. diarrhea
my manner: 2 banana flowers kepok burnt until black, afterwards participate depth and eat.
manner ii: drink 1 glass of liquid wine from banana cusp kepok
manner iii: 3 ripe stone bananas, 3 raw stone bananas is threshed, then memperas to taken the water. drink this ingredients 3x a day, each 1 glass of wine
note: manner iii don't used when dirt shaped green coloured mucus.
12. nosebleeding
my manner: root or banana stick kepok threshed soft, then menyeduh with ½ hot water glass. after filtered, drink 1x a day, all at once.
manner ii: sip liquid from banana cusp kepok
13. constipation
eat banana ambon mould and gold banana. do several times a day
14. canker
2 ripe stone bananas, 2 raw stone bananas that peeled the skin, threshed until soft. then, give 2 honey tablespoon. drink this ingredients 2x a day
15. anaemia
banana child kepok bew 1 span is washed clean then memparut. give 1 salt tablespoon, then press. drink this ingredients 2x a day, each 3 tablespoon.
16. ill maag
1 raw stone banana alongs with the skin, 1 fruit mengkudu threshed until soft, then mixed with 3 ripe stone bananas. all this is meremas-remas meagrely water. after filtered, drink all at once during 2 weeks.
17. inflamed kidney
drink liquid from banana stick that mixed meagrely lump sugar. drink this ingredients 3x a day.
18. fertilize hair:
my manner: liquid from banana cusp is dabed to scalp.
manner ii: banana cusp is threshed and memperas to memabil the water. mix that water with oil urang aring sufficient. llau, dew 1 evening. wet scalp with this ingredients while massages your head. after several hours, shampoo tambut you.
19. refine palm
scrub gold banana skin ketangan you.

petai china

petai china
pregnancy and benefit: kangkung has, antiracun, antiradang, peluruh urinate, stop perdarahan, sedatif (barbiturate). kangkung also besifat cool and tranquilize. kangkung contain protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, karoten, hentriakontan, and sitosterol
1. decrease menstruation
0,5 kg leaf kangkung fresh wash, pound soft, give water sufficient. filter, give 1 honey tablespoon. drink to finished 1x a day all at once.
2. nosebleeding
wisp little leaf kangkung fresh, wash, pound soft, give a little sugar, pour boiling water into with hot water. after cold, filter, drink 2x a day.
3. headache
my manner: handful leaf kangkung pound soft, give a little salt and water sufficient. filter, give honey. drink 1x a day all at once
manner ii: wisp leaf and stick kangkung boiled fresh, drink water boiled it.
4. hemorrhoids
handful little root kangkung wash out, boiled with 3 glasses of water until the water lives ½. after cold, drink a day 2x ½ glass.
5. insomnia
often eat vegetable and kangkung, without stick.
6. toothache
handful root kangkung, ½ vinegar teaspoon, boiled with 1 glass of water. use water boiled it all at once 1x a day.
7. launch urine
handful root kangkung boiled with 2 glasses of water until live to be 1 glass. drink water boiled it all at once 1x a day
8. dandruff
kangkung fresh sufficient soaked in water last night until coloured the water kebiruan. shampoo with that water. do this every shampoo.
9. constipation, sick for pregnant mother
eat vegetable dish kangkung with menumis.
10. canker, swollen gum
wisp leaf kangkung (without stick) washes out, pulverize, give 1 glass of water, press and filter (may give a little salt). use the water



pregnancy and benefit: the young leaf many contains protein asa cool. besides, also oleaginous atsiri, tannic substance, and essence substance berkhasiat for desire increase eats, take outside gas from stomach, and tranquilize nerve.

1. vomit, ill maag, catch a cold, hiccup
1 nutmeg powder teaspoon menyeduh meagrely water. drink each time finished to vomit.
2. pain in the stomach stomach (but not diarrhea)
a little nutmeg powder is put be tongue, let to dissolve bersam saliva.
3. canker
butmeg sap is mixed meagrely water. use this ingredients to rinses
4. slimy cough
equal to recipe no. 5, but this ingredients is mengumur to windpipe.
5. insomnia
my manner: a little nutmeg powder is mixed with 1-2 water drop, then dab in brow
manner ii: ½ nutmeg is threshed then menyeduh with 1 glass of water. moment be drunk to give a little honey / lump sugar. drink this ingredients 2x a day, each 1 glass
6. rheumatism
bathe with nutmeg soap or scrub ill body part with nutmeg balm. soap and balsam nutmeg is sold at pharmacy and medicine stores.
7. menstruation pain
a little nutmeg powder, 7 coriander grains, pieces turmeric, 1 clove is boiled with 1 glass of water until the water lives half. drink this ingredients all at once whilst warm
8. hypertension
several fresh butmeg memparut, then memperas to taken the water. do this 2x a day

assorted ginger use

assorted ginger use
assorted ginger use

1. reumatik and rheumatic

a. ingredient: rimpang ginger tuber sufficient. manner makes: burnt, then washed clean and memparut manner uses: embeddinged in ill part and done regularly until recover.
b. ingredient: 4 rimpang ginger tuber as big as thumb, 2 rimpang alpine galanga tuber as big as thumb and 2 dry clove fruit tablespoon.
manner makes: all ingredients threshed soft and augmenting with 2-3 starch water tablespoon.
manner uses: dabed as liniment in ill part and done 3-5 day successively.

2. prevent impotent

ingredient: 2 rimpang ginger tuber as big as thumb, 1 lime grain, 1 village chicken's egg grain, 1 coffee powder teaspoon, 1 soybean sauce tablespoon, 1 honey tablespoon, and seujung teaspoon, pepper powder. manner makes: ginger tuber memparut and memperas with 1 glass of ripe water, then filtered; lime is splitted and memperas to taken the water; raw chicken's egg mempecah and taken the yellow; then mengoplos with all another ingredients and stirred until merata. manner uses: drunk 1 time one week done regularly

3. shrimp poisoned

ingredient: 3-7 rimpang ginger as big as thumb and kerosene.
manner makes: ginger tuber memparut and augmenting kerosene sufficient.
manner uses: dabed in organ asa itchy.

4. back ache and slip

ingredient: 4-8 rimpang ginger tuber as big as thumb and tamarind fruit that ripe sufficient.
manner makes: ginger tuber memparut and mixe with tamarind fruit until merata.
manner uses: dabed (to sleep) in organ asa ill.

5. reach and stiff

a. ingredient: 2 rimpang ginger tuber as big as thumb and milk presses out sufficient.
manner makes: ginger tuber is burnt and cleaned, then boiled together with milk presses out.
manner uses: drunk usually.

b. ingredient: 2 rimpang ginger tuber as big as thumb,

1 rimpang koempheria galanga as big as thumb,
1 tie basil leaf,
1 grasp rice that soaked water and a little cooking salt.
manner makes: all ingredients threshed soft (mempipis) together.
manner uses: dabed as ointment.

c. ingredient: 3 rimpang ginger tuber as big as thumb,

whole-wheat sufficient, and 1 cut tamarind that ripe. manner makes: ginger tuber memparut, then augmenting flour
wheat and tamarind to made batter with augmenting warm water sufficient.
manner uses: mengoleskaskan as ointment.

6. headache

ingredient: 2-3 lbar ginger leaf;
manner makes: threshed soft and augmenting a little water.
manner uses: used as forehead compress. ill
waist and slip.

7. cough

a. ingredient: 2-3 rimpang ginger tuber as big as thumb.
manner makes: boiled with 2 glasses of water until boil up to live 1 glass.
manner uses: drunk 2 times a day 1 cup, morning and afternoon.

b. ingredient: 3-4 rimpang ginger tuber as big as thumb,
1 lime grain,
1 euca lyptus teaspoon.
manner makes: ginger tuber memparut, lime is burnt and memperas to taken the water, then all ingredients mixed and meremas-remas.
manner uses: dabed in ill children under five child breast part in morning and evening after bathe or approach sleep.

8. diarrhoea and vomits.

a. ingredient: rimpang ginger tuber sufficient, flower and butmeg sufficient, white dill sufficient, 1 glass of coconut coconut milk,
1 spoon the eucalyptus oil.

b. manner makes: all ingredients threshed soft (mempipis), then mixed with coconut coconut milk and eucalyptus oil until merata.

9. porous bone

prepare fresh red ginger 20 gram, green peanut 30 gram, clove seed 10 gram, cardamom 10 gram, pepper 15 gram, kayumanis 20 gram, and water 4 glass.

ingredients are washed clean and pulverizinged or contused. boiled up to water boileds remained 2 glass, then filtered.
drink 2 times a day in morning and evening after eat. at one gulp 1 glass. so that likely taste, can be added 2 honey tablespoon.

10. asthma

prepare fresh red ginger 20 gram, leaf sambiloto 30 gram, leaf randu 30 gram, leaf lampes 20 gram, and water to drink 4 glass. all ingredients after washed clean, sliced or merajang little. boiled up to water boileds remained 2 glass, then filter.

drink 2 times a day in morning and evening after eat. at one gulp 1 glass. so that likely fresh, can be added honey and lime distillation.

11. stroke

prepare red ginger 20 gram, mengkudu 40 gram, pule pandak 20 gram, god leaf 30 gram, leaf ciremai 20 gram, water to drink 4 glass. after all washed, merajang or sliced. boiled with water 4 glass up to waters boileds remained 1,5 (one half) glass, then filter. drink thrice in morning, day, and afternoon after eat. at one gulp _ (half) glass.

Sabtu, 26 Juli 2008

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Kamis, 10 Juli 2008

horse palm

horse palm
(ipomoea pes-caprae (l. ) sweet)

grow wild at coast region or at places covered with rocks the soil and contain sand. plant berbatang wet, slippery, spread or crawls at soil, green stick colour kecoklatan. single leaf, round, thick, slippery shine not hirsute, share at second leaf end, green colour, location widespread long and wide leaf + 3 cm, long leaf stalk around 2 - 3 cm, when broken out white colour sap. purple flower, form likes funnel/trumpet.

part that worn:
entire plants, fresh or dehydrated.

1. rheumatik/pain persendian, myalgia (muscle/stiff ill).
2. perdarahan in piles (haemorrhoid), gum swelling, toothache.

use: 30 - 60 gr fresh leaf or 15 - 30 gr dry, boiled.

use outside:
pulverize fresh leaf for use in place ill, or fresh leaf is boiled to wash, or the water distillation from fresh leaf to is dabed to ill place or dehydrated root, mill to be powder/powder, paste up to ill place. worn for boil, ulceration, eczema.

use manner:
1. rheumatik:
fresh herb 45 gr augmentings sticky rice arrack and water same many, boiled,

2. boil and ulceration: 30 - 60 gr fresh herb augmentings demerara, boiled.
3. piles bleeds: 30 gr fresh herb augmentings 360 gr intestines, team, eat.
4. toothache: 45 gr dry root, boiled, drink.
5. eczema: fresh root 30 gr, boiled, drink.

attention: pregnant woman is forbidden to wear this medicine plants.

Selasa, 08 Juli 2008

Kencur (koempheria galanga)

(kaempferia galanga, linn. )

koempheria galanga (kaempferia galanga) belong plant tribe zingiberaceae and diversified as spices kind plants that has mellowiest kernel and not fibrous. koempheria galanga is na little that thrive at lowland region or ridges the soil gembur and not too much water. rimpang has aroma specific. white coloured koempheria galanga kernel and skin outside it tan. total sheet koempheria galanga leaf at the most 2-3 sheet with composition faces. the flower is compiled half sit with corolla numbers between 4 until 12 fruit, flower lip berwara purple with white colour dominanter. koempheria galanga grows and bloom in certain season, that is in rainy season. koempheria galanga can be planted in pot or at garden enough sunshine, not too wet and in place opened.

1. inflamed lambung
ingredient: 2 rimpang koempheria galanga as big as thumb.
manner makes: koempheria galanga is peeled until clean and chewed;
manner uses: gulped the water, the waste is throwed away, then
drink 1 glass of plain water, and repeatinged until recover.
2. inflamed ear child
ingredient: 2 rimpang koempheria galanga as big as thumb and ½ butmeg seed.
manner makes: second ingredient threshed soft and given 2
warm water spoon;
manner uses: dab around nose.
3. influenza in baby
ingredient: 1 rimpang koempheria galanga as big as thumb and 2 sheets of leaf
kemukus (pepper tailed/ cubeb)
manner makes: second ingredient threshed soft, then
augmenting several warm water spoons.
manner uses: dab around nose.
4. catch a cold
ingredient: 1 rimpang koempheria galanga as big as thumb and salt sufficient.
manner makes: koempheria galanga is peeled clean.
manner uses it: koempheria galanga is eaten with salt sufficient,
then drink 1 glass of plain water. can be done 2 times a day.
5. headache
ingredient: 2-3 koempheria galanga leaf sheet.
manner makes: koempheria galanga leaf is threshed until soft.
manner uses it: dabed (as compress/pilis) in forehead.

6. cause the loss of dirty blood
ingredient: 4 rimpang koempheria galanga as big as thumb, 2 sheets of leaf trengguli, 2 dry cloves,
fennel pulawaras sufficient.
manner makes: all ingredients boiled together with 1 water litre until boil then
manner uses: drunk 2 times a day regularly.
7. accelerate menstruation
ingredient: 2 rimpang koempheria galanga as big as thumb, 1 sheet of leaf trengguli, 1 old clove fruit,
fennel pulawaras sufficient.
manner makes: koempheria galanga is chopped, then mixed with ingredient other and boiled with
with 3 glasses of water until boil up to live 2 glass, then filtered.
manner uses: drunk once a day 2 cup.