Selasa, 08 Juli 2008

Kencur (koempheria galanga)

(kaempferia galanga, linn. )

koempheria galanga (kaempferia galanga) belong plant tribe zingiberaceae and diversified as spices kind plants that has mellowiest kernel and not fibrous. koempheria galanga is na little that thrive at lowland region or ridges the soil gembur and not too much water. rimpang has aroma specific. white coloured koempheria galanga kernel and skin outside it tan. total sheet koempheria galanga leaf at the most 2-3 sheet with composition faces. the flower is compiled half sit with corolla numbers between 4 until 12 fruit, flower lip berwara purple with white colour dominanter. koempheria galanga grows and bloom in certain season, that is in rainy season. koempheria galanga can be planted in pot or at garden enough sunshine, not too wet and in place opened.

1. inflamed lambung
ingredient: 2 rimpang koempheria galanga as big as thumb.
manner makes: koempheria galanga is peeled until clean and chewed;
manner uses: gulped the water, the waste is throwed away, then
drink 1 glass of plain water, and repeatinged until recover.
2. inflamed ear child
ingredient: 2 rimpang koempheria galanga as big as thumb and ½ butmeg seed.
manner makes: second ingredient threshed soft and given 2
warm water spoon;
manner uses: dab around nose.
3. influenza in baby
ingredient: 1 rimpang koempheria galanga as big as thumb and 2 sheets of leaf
kemukus (pepper tailed/ cubeb)
manner makes: second ingredient threshed soft, then
augmenting several warm water spoons.
manner uses: dab around nose.
4. catch a cold
ingredient: 1 rimpang koempheria galanga as big as thumb and salt sufficient.
manner makes: koempheria galanga is peeled clean.
manner uses it: koempheria galanga is eaten with salt sufficient,
then drink 1 glass of plain water. can be done 2 times a day.
5. headache
ingredient: 2-3 koempheria galanga leaf sheet.
manner makes: koempheria galanga leaf is threshed until soft.
manner uses it: dabed (as compress/pilis) in forehead.

6. cause the loss of dirty blood
ingredient: 4 rimpang koempheria galanga as big as thumb, 2 sheets of leaf trengguli, 2 dry cloves,
fennel pulawaras sufficient.
manner makes: all ingredients boiled together with 1 water litre until boil then
manner uses: drunk 2 times a day regularly.
7. accelerate menstruation
ingredient: 2 rimpang koempheria galanga as big as thumb, 1 sheet of leaf trengguli, 1 old clove fruit,
fennel pulawaras sufficient.
manner makes: koempheria galanga is chopped, then mixed with ingredient other and boiled with
with 3 glasses of water until boil up to live 2 glass, then filtered.
manner uses: drunk once a day 2 cup.


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