Kamis, 10 Juli 2008

horse palm

horse palm
(ipomoea pes-caprae (l. ) sweet)

grow wild at coast region or at places covered with rocks the soil and contain sand. plant berbatang wet, slippery, spread or crawls at soil, green stick colour kecoklatan. single leaf, round, thick, slippery shine not hirsute, share at second leaf end, green colour, location widespread long and wide leaf + 3 cm, long leaf stalk around 2 - 3 cm, when broken out white colour sap. purple flower, form likes funnel/trumpet.

part that worn:
entire plants, fresh or dehydrated.

1. rheumatik/pain persendian, myalgia (muscle/stiff ill).
2. perdarahan in piles (haemorrhoid), gum swelling, toothache.

use: 30 - 60 gr fresh leaf or 15 - 30 gr dry, boiled.

use outside:
pulverize fresh leaf for use in place ill, or fresh leaf is boiled to wash, or the water distillation from fresh leaf to is dabed to ill place or dehydrated root, mill to be powder/powder, paste up to ill place. worn for boil, ulceration, eczema.

use manner:
1. rheumatik:
fresh herb 45 gr augmentings sticky rice arrack and water same many, boiled,

2. boil and ulceration: 30 - 60 gr fresh herb augmentings demerara, boiled.
3. piles bleeds: 30 gr fresh herb augmentings 360 gr intestines, team, eat.
4. toothache: 45 gr dry root, boiled, drink.
5. eczema: fresh root 30 gr, boiled, drink.

attention: pregnant woman is forbidden to wear this medicine plants.

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