Senin, 30 Juni 2008

plants sirih red (piper crocatum)

plants sirih red (piper crocatum) belong in kin piperaceae, grow spread with leaf form resembles heart and bertangkai, grow at intervals from the stick with rose colored leaf appearance kepera and shine. in leaf sirih red consist in compound fito-kimia that is alkoloid, saponin, ta-nin and flavonoid. sirih red since long time used by society that reside in java as medicine to meyem-buh various disease kind and be part from custom programme. use sirih red can be used in the form of fresh, simplisia also capsule extract. empirically sirih red can cure various disease kind like mengabetes mi-litus, hepatitis, calculus, me-nurun cholesterol, prevent stroke, sour tendon, hypertension, ra-dang liver, inflamed prostate, inflamed eye, keputihan, maag, exhaustion, hinge pain and refine skin. test result praklinis in mouse with extract gift up to dose 20 g/kg heavy body, safe mengonsumsi and not has toxic. sirih red many -gunakan in herb clinic center as ingredients or therapy for sufferer can not -sembuhkan with chemistry medicine. potential sirih red as medicine plants multi function very big so that necessary increased in its use upon which modern medicine.

plants sirih red (piper crocatum) belong in kin piperaceae, grow spread with leaf form resembles heart and bertangkai, grow at intervals from the stick with rose colored leaf appearance kepera and shine. in leaf sirih red consist in compound fito-kimia that is alkoloid, saponin, ta-nin and flavonoid. sirih red since long time used by society that reside in java as medicine to meyem-buh various disease kind and be part from custom programme. use sirih red can be used in the form of fresh, simplisia also capsule extract. empirically sirih red can cure various disease kind like mengabetes mi-litus, hepatitis, calculus, me-nurun cholesterol, prevent stroke, sour tendon, hypertension, ra-dang liver, inflamed prostate, inflamed eye, keputihan, maag, exhaustion, hinge pain and refine skin. test result praklinis in mouse with extract gift up to dose 20 g/kg heavy body, safe mengonsumsi and not has toxic. sirih red many -gunakan in herb clinic center as ingredients or therapy for sufferer can not -sembuhkan with chemistry medicine. potential sirih red as medicine plants multi function very big so that necessary increased in its use upon which modern medicine.

plants sirih has many species and has kind various, like sirih tusk, sirih green, sirih black, sirih yellow and sirih red. all plants kinds sirih has characteristic much the same to that is spread the plants with leaf form resembles heart and bertangkai that grow intermittent interval from the stick.

sirih red (piper crocatum) one of [the] potential medicine plants since long -ketahui has various medicine merit to cure various disease kind, beside that has also spritual values tall. sirih red belong in one important element that must be provided in every custom ceremony especially at jogyakarta. this plants belongs in kin pipe-raceae with rose colored leaf appearance keperak and shine moment hit light.

sirih red grow spread at fence or tree. this plants individuality berbatang green coloured round keunguan and flowerless. the leaf bertangkai form deary and taper leaf end part. leaf surface meng-kilap and not merata. mem-beda with sirih green besides rose colored the leaf kepera, when will the leaf will be be bribed so slimy with the aroma fragranter.

ingredients sirih red long maked use by environment kra-ton jogyakarta as medicine plants beguna to ngadi saliro. in the year 1990-an sirih red -fungsikan as decoration plants by hobis, because the appearance that interesting. red the leaf surface kepera and shine. in this latest yrs is crowded is talked about and maked use se-bagai medicine plants. from several experiences, known sirih red has medicine merit to various disease. with ingredients sirih red many societies that healed from various pe-nyakit. therefore many people that want membudidayakan.

since our ancestor age formerly plants sirih red known has various medicine merit to cure various disease kind, despitefully sirih red has values spiritual tall. sirih red memperguna-kan as one part of the pen-ting that must be provided in every custom ceremony ”ngadi saliro”. water boiled it that contain antiseptik used to watch over mouth hole well-being and me-nyembuh disease keputihan ser-ta smell not delicious.

watchfulness towards plants sirih red till now still very less especially in pengembang-an upon which standard to bio-farmaka. during the time utilization sirih red at only ber-dasar experience melaku-kan according to heredityly from parents to child or brother -dekat verbally. at java, -utama at kraton jogyakarta, tanam-an sirih red mengonsumsi since formerly to cure various disease kind. bedasar plants java tribe experience sirih red has benefit me-nyembu hemorrhoids disease, ke-putihan and gargle, alkaloid in sirih red functioned as counter microbe.

besides has antiseptik sirih red also can be worn to cure disease mengabetes, with will imbibe water will boiled sirih red every day will demote blood sugar degree will come normal level. cancer is disease quite a lot sufferred person and very lethal, can menyembuh-kan by using powder or boiled from leaf sirih red. several experiences at society show that sirih red can demote tall blood disease, besides also can menyem-buh hepatitis disease.

sirih red in the form of herb tea can cure sour tendon, diabetes, maag and exhaustion, this done by flashlight herb clinic exist in jogyakarta, where the patient berobat sem-buh from mengabetes because meng-konsumsi herb tea sirih red. sirih red also as medicine outside can refine skin.

empirically be known plants sirih red can cure calculus disease, cholesterol, sour tendon, heart attack, stroke, inflamed prostate, inflamed eye, catch a cold and hinge pain.

test result praklinis in mouse with extract gift up to dose 20 g/kg heavy body, safe mengonsumsi and not has toxic, in dose can me-nurun mouse blood glucose degree as big as 34,3%. higher penu-runan compared with pem-berian medicine counters mengabetes militus commercial daonil 3,22 mml/kg only demote 27% mouse blood glucose. test result praklinis in mouse, can at wear as use reference in one who men-derita diabetes. in this time quite a lot herb clinic center that use sirih red as ingredients or therapy berkhasiat and efficacious to pe-nyembuhan various disease kind

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