Senin, 30 Juni 2008

sidagori (sida rhombifolia), tendon sour healer potential medicine plants

sidagori (sida rhombifolia), tendon sour healer potential medicine plants

sidagori (sida rhombifoli linn. ) be one of [the] kind ta-naman medicine from kin malvaceae that has many merits as medicine. this plants is me-rupa underbrush plants that grows wild and many met at gutter edge, river and be big tree. one of [the] merit predominantly cure tendon sour disease often is sufferred good also woman above age thirty year. use tanam-an this is for medicine not be-gitu difficult, that is with memanfa-at entire plants parts be-rupa leaf, stick and root. se-mua plants part is boiled and latest at add demerara for taste increase. water se-duhan sidagori this drunk regularly during three-day.
medicine plants sidagori (sida rhombifolia linn. ) has synonym sida spinosa linn. or sida retusa linn. , in this time many known society because can cure various pe-nyakit. with existence kecenderung-an society alive pattern to return to nature, so tradisional medicine use in this time returns to increase. tradisional medicines use besides biaya- cheap, the convalescence effect genuinely can be feeled.
sidagori grow widespread at trop in all the world, begin from lowland until ketingian 1450 m above sea level. be underbrush plants that has tall achieve 70 cm. stick rather berkayu, round rather tough with chocolate colour. leaf tung-gal, leaf location berseling formed heart, end bertoreh, armouring menyirip, hairy meeting and ber-warna green. long leaf 1,5 - 4,0 cm and wide 1,0 - 1,5 cm. single flower, oval out from at leaf armpit. makhota flower ber-warna yellow rather orange. flower blossoms blow 12 day and withered around 3 clocks then. the fruit bua stone consists of 8 - 10 kendaga, diameter 6 - 7 mm. green coloured young fruit and black coloured old fruit. this plants can grow well in open country and often met wild alive at gutter hem, river edge, and be big tree (picture at on).
sidagori has merit counters inflamed, counter inflammation, menguretik and analgesik. this plants use as medicine long has been believed society. initially this plants often is used to meng-obati disease, mengantaranya rheumatism, fever, dysentery, worm kremi, boil and dandruff. but recently this is sidagori many maked use by tendon sour disease sufferer. in principle everybody mengan-dung sour tendons with degree that vary as according to kemam-puan the metabolism. tendon sour normal degree in blood ranges from 2 - 7 mg%. when exceed from 7 mg%, so condition can evoke gout crystallization consequence in persendian. gout mortally tendon sour attack so that sufferer genuinely felts painfulness. this condition will happen kidney consequence will not sang-gup mengaturr so that ke-lebihan congest in network and hinge. but don't be wrong, tendon acid contents in level rendahpun obvious dangerous also because can evoke ill crystal deliverance consequence from tempat- menempel at persendian. gout that caused by sour tendon me-mang appear once in a while because meta-bolisme purin below par. more taller degree purin in blood will increase tendon acid contents.
in several regions likes bogor and jakarta, this plants is su-dah many is applied masyara-kat to cure sour tendon proven by information quantity at media hits success experience uses towards this plants. especially at balitro self, this plants utilization many tried by researcher and the efficacy clearly having evidence. actually its use as medicine not so difficult, only with consuming entire parts from plants that is stick, leaf and the root. for menyembuh- sour tendon, plants root more play important role because substance pregnancy berkhasiat higher at root. suggested use one stick complete plants sida-gori belong the root (100 g/tanam-an), washed clean then boiled de-ngan use water as much as one litre. water boileds waited sam-pai be half it, then filtered. water boileds sidagori rasa- a little langu, necessary added sesendok sand sugar or demerara into steeping water so that rasa- be rather sweet. this technique is best is done during three-day, so that tendon sour convalescence process more success.

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